Start a Special Payroll
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- On the Welcome screen, select Payroll.
On the Payroll Selection screen, payrolls are organized as Past Due, In Progress, and New.
- Under New, select the special payroll you want to run.
You can't start a new special payroll if there is already one in progress for the same pay period.
- Verify the payroll dates.
To change a date, select it and enter the new month, day, or year.
- To stop direct deposit for this payroll only, deselect Direct Deposit.
- Select Next to go to the Deductions screen, which lists the deductions set up for the company.
- To include a deduction for this payroll only, select the deduction.
- Select Next to go to the Summary screen, which lists the employees and contractors included in the payroll.
Next: Enter Payroll Information
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