What's New - V04.25.11

Hourly Rates for Salaried Employees: If an employee has both a salary and an hourly rate set up in the RUN Powered by ADP® web application, you can choose to pay them using one rate or the other, or both. Salary and Hourly rates are both displayed on the Employee Profile screen.

Tipped Employees Paid Less than Minimum Wage: If you have tipped employees who are set up with the Tipped Hours earning, their pay plus tips should be at or above minimum wage. If the amount is less than minimum wage, a red asterisk is displayed next to the employee's name on the Preview screen and the following message is displayed on an Alert tab at the bottom of the screen:

Employee's tips are less than the tips required to bring the employee to the minimum wage (see employee's Gross Pay for details).

To see the exact amount of the shortfall, select the employee's gross pay to go to the Summary screen, and then select Gross Pay to go to the Details screen.

The employee’s tips of $nn.nn are less than the tips required to bring the employee to the minimum wage. Tips should have totaled at least $nn.nn.

To correct the amount, go back to the Payroll Entry screen and change the amount for the employee, and then recalculate the payroll.

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