Selecting a Pay Frequency on Apple Devices: If your company has more than one pay frequency, you no longer have to select the pay frequency on the Pay Period screen. Now, all your payrolls are listed for you on the Payroll Selection screen.
Multi-Company Access (MCA) for Mobile: If you use MCA to access multiple companies on the RUN Powered by ADP® web application, you can log in once and access multiple companies on your mobile device.
When you log in, the Select Company screen is displayed, listing all the companies you can access. Just tap the company you want to access. Depending on the device, tap OK or Next to go to the Welcome screen for that company. The company name and IID are displayed near the top of the screen.
If an arrow is displayed next to the IID, you can tap on the row to open the Select Company screen. You can switch companies on any of the following screens:
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