Enter Payroll Information

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Before You Begin: Start or Resume a Payroll

  1. On the Summary screen, select the name of the employee or contractor with payroll information you need to enter or change.

    The Payroll Entry screen displays all the earnings and deductions set up for the company. Default hours and amounts are displayed for any earnings and deductions that are already set up for the employee.

  2. Scroll through the list to find the earning or deduction you want, and then select the field.

    Override Earning

    Tip: Select Jump to Deductions to move quickly down to the list of Deductions.
  3. Enter or change an amount for the earning or deduction.

    If you change (override) the amount for an existing earning or deduction, the override amount is used for this payroll only.

  4. To enter payroll information for another employee, select the arrows to the left or right of the employee's name.
  5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 to enter payroll information for all your employees and contractors.
  6. To review the payroll, select Preview.
  7. Select Calculate to calculate the payroll and preview payroll totals.

Next: Verify and Approve Your Payroll

See Also


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