Before you Begin: Rates must be set up and assigned to the employee or contractor in the RUN Powered by ADP® web application.
Important: This procedure describes how to pay an employee or contractor who worked at more than one pay rate, for this payroll only. If you want to change a rate permanently, you must do so in the RUN Powered by ADP® web application.
On the Payroll Entry screen, the current department (if applicable) is listed under the employee or contractor's name.
For employees and contractors paid an hourly rate and for salaried employees with an hourly rate set up in the same department as their salaried rate, the list includes all the rates set up for the employee or contractor in the RUN Powered by ADP web application. There is also an option called Enter Different Rate. Go to step 6.
On the Payroll Entry screen, there are now two payroll entries, one for each pay rate. The department is listed under the name and the entry number (2 of 2) is displayed to the right of the name. To add a different rate, enter it in the Hourly Rate field.
Note: You can add up to 10 pay rates for an employee or contractor.
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